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Getting Fat for Just a Bite?

Maybe you know some people who remain skinny no matter how much they gulp down, and some others who claim to have put on weight for just a nibble. For them, maybe they believe that body size is solely governed by hereditary factors. However, doesn't food count and matter at all? First, let's take a look at their food choices.

The table below shows the usual food choices of two colleagues. Even though they took similar amount of foods, their energy intake was completely different!

Colleague A's usual food choices Colleague B's usual food choices
Food items Energy
Food items Energy
Breakfast A bowl of instant noodles with spiced pork cubes 710 A bowl of rice vermicelli with shredded pork in soup 350
A cup of Hong Kong-style hot coffee
A cup of Hong Kong-style hot coffee
140 A glass of low-sugar soy milk fortified with calcium
A glass of low-sugar soy milk fortified with calcium
Lunch A bowl of noodles with beef brisket in soup 520 A bowl of noodles with wanton in soup 420
A plate of blanched vegetables 140 A plate of blanched vegetables (without added oil) 50
A glass of iced tea with milk 108 Water 0
Afternoon tea Four cookies
Four cookies
192 Four cookies
Four soda crackers
Lemon tea tetra pak (250ml) 80 Low-sugar lemon tea tetra pak (250ml) 50
Dinner A plate of Yangzhou-style stir-fried rice
A plate of Yangzhou-style stir-fried rice
1,200 A plate of steamed rice with stir-fried egg and shrimps
A plate of steamed rice with stir-fried egg and shrimps
A glass of orange juice 112 An orange 62
Total energy intake in a day 3,202 1,917

* 'Kcal' and 'calorie' are both common units for energy. 1 kcal is equal to 1,000 calories. 'Kcal' is often mistaken for 'calorie'.

fat and sugarThe energy intake for the two colleagues showed a huge difference of 1,285 kcal, while an average adult needs only 2,000 kcal a day! It's worth noting that colleague A's food choices (e.g. instant noodles, beef brisket, cookies, etc.) are mostly high in fat and sugar that often contribute to a high energy intake in our diet without our awareness because of their hidden nature.

As such, low-fat and low-sugar food choices can help us control energy intake and keep our body weight at desirable range. In our daily diet, we should:

  • cook our food by low-fat cooking methods,e.g. steaming, blanching, blanching in stock,quick stir-frying in as little oil as possible, etc.
  • choose lean meats and meat-products with a lower fat content, such as pork fillet, beeftenderloin, sirloin, beef shoulder, all types of fish, eggs and tofu
  • read nutrition labels to choose products with less fat and less sugar

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An example: a medium-build adult would have to run around a sport field 40 times to burn 1,000 kcal!
To create 0.5 kilograms of body weight, an intake of 3,500 kcal is needed!
Although salt (sodium) in food does not constitute energy, excessive intake will disturb the ideal blood pressure and pose harm to the heart. So we should choose low-salt foods.

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