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Do It Yourself

Equipment needed

  • Yoga mat
  • Soft measuring tape (length about 30 inches)
  • Adhesive masking tape

Who is suitable for the test

The test is suitable for healthy persons. If you have history or major signs and symptoms of low-pain disorder, you should consult your family doctor for advice before taking the test.


  1. Setting up the equipment: fix the soft measuring tape on yoga mat by using some adhesive tape. Place a 12-inches adhesive masking tape across it at a right angle to the 15-inches mark.
  2. Perform some warm up and stretching before the test (YMCA 3-minutes step test is suggested for such purpose).
  3. With your shoes removed, sit on the yoga mat and with your heels touched the edge of adhesive masking tape. Your heels now should be 12 inches apart. (Figure 1a)
  4. With fingertips in contact with the measuring tape, slowly stretch your body trunk forward as far as possible. Record the score to the closest inches when the stretch is static for at least 2 seconds. You may need a partner to record scores for you. (Figure 1b)


    1. Keep your knees straight during the test. You may ask a partner to hold gently your knees.
    2. Exhale and drop your head while stretching forwards helps you to get better results.
    3. Do not perform fast and jerky movement because it may cause injury to your low-back and hamstrings.

  5. Perform three trials and record the scores (inches). Using the best score out of the three trials, and look up your performance at the "Performance table".

Figure 1 - Correct demonstration of YMCA sit-and-reach test

Starting position
1a Arrow
Finishing position