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Drink to That!

This is a simple test below. Do you have these symptoms?
Dry lips? Fatigue? Dizziness? Headache? Quick temper? Thirst? Dry mouth? Dark yellowish urine?

If these symptoms appears frequently, that means you may suffer from mild dehydration. Many people think that they do not need extra water when they work for long hours in the office, where they hardly move around or sweat. Well, this is quite far from being true. Approximately 60-70% of our body weight comes from water, which the body needs for digestion, transport of nutrients, excretion, maintenance of fluid balance and protection of internal organs. The water we need comes from our diet. So you need to replenish fluids even though you don't feel thirsty at all throughout the day!

How much water is enough?
The amount of fluid we need to drink varies with age and sex. In addition, the amount of physical activity, temperature and humidity also have a direct impact on our body's need for water. For example, people who do physical activity under the naked sun need to drink a lot more water than those who do sedentary jobs in an air-conditioned office.

How much fluid does a normal healthy adult need?
Every day an adult should drink minimum 6 to 8 glasses of fluid, such as water, tea, or clear soup. Among all fluids for drinking, water is best, as it is free of sugar, energy and caffeine, and so rules out the possibility of excess intake of energy. It has no health impact on the teeth either.

To ensure an adequate intake of water, a good habit of water drinking is recommended. Here is some advice for you:

  1. Between getting up and going out for work each day, drink a glass of water.
  2. Have a large glass of water handy where you work so that you can drink any time.
  3. Carry a bottle of water as you go out for work in order to avoid using sweetened beverages.
  4. Drink a glass of water before each meal. Apart from replenishing body fluids, this can also keep your appetite at bay to avoid overeating.
  5. Do not ignore the signals of thirst; they are in fact an important warning against dehydration!

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