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How to Do Stretching?

Spending over eight hours in the office every day, do you find your legs feeling tense? Do you find it difficult to loosen them up? As a computer user for hours each day, do you find your hips tired and even painful? If your answer is 'yes' all along, then the following tips on stretching may help you!

Many people focus on stretching the upper body parts (i.e. the neck, the shoulders, the lower back, the back, etc.) only and overlook workout for lower limbs, which is equally important. Below are some stretching exercises for lower limbs; they are easy enough to be done in the office:

Body part to be stretched Posture of stretch Instructions
Hips Back-and-forth leg swing
Back-and-forth leg swing
  • Stand while holding on to the edge of a table. Keep lower back straight.
  • Stand on one leg. Swing the other back and forth. Repeat 8 times.
  • Repeat on the other leg.

(Note: Avoid excessive swinging movements.)

Front of thigh Upper leg-cross stretch
Upper leg-cross stretch
  • Stand while holding on to the edge of a table. Keep the lower back straight.
  • Pull the left leg towards the hips using the right hand until the thigh is tensed.
  • Repeat using the other hand and leg.

(Note: A slight tenseness is all it needs.)

Back of thigh Seated hamstring stretch
Back-and-forth leg swing
  • Sit in a chair over the edge. Keep the lower back straight.
  • Straighten one leg with heel on the floor and toes pointing upward.
  • Glide the body slowly along the leg, and repeat on the other leg.

(Note: Both hands are needed to balance the body.)

Calves Lower leg stretch
Lower leg stretch
  • Hold onto the back of a chair with one hand. Put one leg forward and bend the knee.
  • Bend the front knee slightly. Straighten the other leg with toes pointing towards the front.
  • Stretch until you feel the calf is slightly tensed. Then swap legs.

(Note: Adjust impact of stretch by altering the position of the back leg.)

As an office worker, check the elasticity of your clothing before you do stretching. Movements should not be too drastic or too fast. Keep a distance from the objects around you. Keep your breathing easy. If you feel unwell, stop at once and take a rest. If no improvement is seen, seek medical advice.

Stretching is good for health. Do it often and enjoy the comfort and relaxation afterwards!
